Deepwood Farm riders hold their own
in the show ring and have fun while doing it! 

Private and Semi-Private Lessons

Regular lesson programs are available for ages 6+. DiAnne specializes in dressage, but focuses on the fundamentals of horsemanship and riding.

Our students show locally at Hidden Brooke Farm, Sunset Farm and Ellis River.

At Deepwood Farm we take show ring etiquette and make it practical on the trail as well. With hundreds of miles of trails at our disposal, it makes for a fun afternoon riding or relaxing cool down after a lesson.

It’s our philosophy that good riding works everywhere.

For more information please contact DiAnne at 207-824-2595.


The Gould Academy Equestrian Team

Deepwood Farm is the proud home of The Gould Academy Equestrian Team. The fall and spring Gould equestrian programs offer an opportunity for high school students to ride 5 days a week, improving their riding skills while learning about grooming, tacking, stable safety, and care for their horses.

Their skills are put to the test at two local dressage shows during each term, where they experience strong results and tremendous growth throughout the season.